Stichting de Thuishaven is een (bijna) geregistreerde Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI). Er gelden nieuwe voorwaarden voor een ANBI. Wij vermelden daarom nu alvast onze gegevens openbaar op deze webpagina zodat iedereen onze bereidwilligheid en missie om deze status te bemachtigen alvast kan inzien. Mocht u hierover nu alvast vragen hebben, neemt u dan gerust contact met ons op.
- Name of our organisation: Stichting de Thuishaven
- Postal address of our organisation: Kleersnijdershorst 7, 7328 XB in Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
- KvK number: 75739003
- RSIN (Identification number for legal entities and partnerships) / fiscal number: 860379899
- VAT: NL001167909
- Bank account: NL46INGB0007229960
Core Activity
De Thuishaven Foundation helps vulnerable young people in Togoville (Togo, Africa)build a brighter future. We believe in the power of community. Together we can make a difference for the underpriviliged, anywhere in the world.
“The place where disadvantaged and damaged young people find a safe home”
Our biggest strength is our support base. At De Thuishaven we welcome everyone. It doesn’t matter where you are from, what religion you follow, or what your political preference is. De Thuishaven can count on its core of supporters that are connected through a shared love for humanity.
GDPR – Privacy Policy
Click here for our GDPR (Applies as of November 2021).
Names and Positions of Board Members
Reza Nelembaye Ngarigota – Chairman
Gino Sergio – Secretary
Hendrik Hofstra – General Board Member
Pernelly Biya – General Board Member
Sarah Ait Haddou - Treasurer
for an overview of our board members' main and secondary roles. Click here.
Office / Planning
Or board member and main contact regarding all matters concerning De Thuishaven and its activities:
Reza Nelembaye Ngarigota
Compensation Policy
The compensation policy meets all criteria set out in the regulations for the CBF certificate for small charitable organisations. Board members receive no compensation. Our office employees receive compensation according to the CAO (Collective Welfare Agreement) Zorg en Welzijn.